Meet Sarah

Sarcasm is her love language. A Yankee from New York, she never passes up an opportunity to remind her friends of that fact. Having never met a stranger, she knows simply everyone! By far the most laid back of the group, she brings the “chill factor” when the rest of the girls get worked up. Sarah is passionate about teaching women of all ages to apply God’s word in everyday life and challenge worldly influences with biblical truth.

Getting to know Sarah:

My friends always make fun of me for: Making up words like “conversate.”  (Which totally SHOULD be a word, by the way.  If you can profess a profession, why can’t you conversate a conversation….makes sense to me!)

My favorite junk food is: Pizza, the cheesier the better.

My favorite girls night includes: Take-out sushi, a great movie (via rental or theater) and just hanging out with my girls doing nails and eating fabulous food.

I am terrified of: Saying “conversate” outside my close circle of friends. (oh, wait…already have done this!)

I am currently reading: Besides God’s Word for my daily devotions, I’m currently only reading “school” books. …boring, right? But plan on reading Jane Eyre once the semester is finished. I love that book, and with new adaptation of it out in theaters, I’ve got a hankering to read it again.

Best place for writing: Starbucks or Panera, coffee, free wifi, and music in the background. Just my ideal environment.

God is currently teaching me: my relationship with Him doesn’t have to be about the next “big drama” in my life.  It’s really great when it’s a slow deepening of my awe of Him and what He does in my life.

You can keep up with Sarah on twitter and pinterest.

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  1. Pingback: Being “Sarah” « Purity After Pornography

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